This article discusses the risks to employers who fail to take workplace sexual harassment seriously, and suggests measures employers should put in place to pre-emptively tackle such issues.
新加坡金融管理局 (“MAS”) 和新加坡会计与企业管理局 (“ACRA”) 在 2020 年 1 月 15 日正式启动了资产管理行业期 待已久的可变资本公司 (“VCC”) 框架。总共 20 个投资基金在当日设立了新的 VCC 或从其它法域向内转册的 VCC。 在 18 个被选为参加 MAS 的 VCC 实验计划的基金管理人中,WMH 法律事务所作为其中一个基金管理人的法律顾 问,将通过本文章提供一个关于 VCC 框架的概述,然后发表我们对 VCC 框架目前的一些想法。
The Variable Capital Companies ("VCC" or "SVCC") framework was officially launched by the Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS") and the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority ("ACRA") on 15 January 2020. In an earlier article, we alluded to a grant scheme (the "VCC Grant") that the MAS has
This article provides an overview of the VCC framework as well as details some of our current thoughts on the VCC framework.