Sexual Harassment At the Workplace

In the first nationally representative survey on workplace sexual harassment conducted in November 2020 by market research company Ipsos and gender-equality organisation AWARE, 2 in 5 Singaporean workers reported having been victims of unwelcome sexual advances or remarks in the office over the last 5 years.

Publicised cases of workplace sexual harassment in Singapore are rare. However, the survey clearly indicates a worrying prevalence of workplace sexual harassment cases in Singapore which are not reported to authorities or ignored by employers.

This article discusses the risks to employers who fail to take workplace sexual harassment seriously, and suggests measures employers should put in place to pre-emptively tackle such issues.

Filed under: Corporate Matters
The Secretariat

The Secretariat

WMH Law Corporation is a boutique litigation and arbitration firm specialised in resolving disputes effectively and efficiently. It was established by a group of lawyers who were all formerly from a Singapore Big Four law firm.

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